
Want a little more foundation under your boot while blazing the trails? Then “The Trailblazer” may be what you are shopping for. Available with a soft durable cushion, and treadwidths from 2.5 inch to 3 inch it provides the comfort and support for a long day in the saddle!

SKU: TB Categories: ,


Want a little more foundation under your boot while blazing the trails? The Trailblazer is an exact twin to the Nettles “75” well, almost. The Trailblazer has the same tilt, the same domino effect, the same ease of in and out, but instead of the high quality leather tread, the Trailblazer sports a high impact rubber tread, noted for its “ahhhhh” affect on the ankles, the knees and hips. It’s slight “S” shape sides distribute weight and offer the rider more exit freedom.

Available in 2 1/2 inch and 3 inch treadwidths. Please check here for our finishing options!

Additional information

Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 8 × 8 × 9 in

Regular 5 1/8", Petite 4 3/4"


2.5", 3"

Finishing Options:

Stained, Varnished, Rustic Wrangler, Triple Finish, Black, Cherry, Cocoa, Turquoise Over Black, Purple Over Black, Pink Over Black, Grey Over Black, Distressed Turquoise, Distressed Purple, Distressed Pink, Distressed Grey