It’s NCHA Futurity time in Cow Town! It’s an exciting time and we’re busy setting up Nettles Stirrups and Nettles Country Store in the Amon Carter Exhibit Hall.
Those businesses, by the way, are my babies, but I quit switching hats between them a long time ago!
Speaking of hats, hats off to 3 of our great employees Robby Richardson, Ryan Langolf and Joseph Tubbs who hauled this monstrous booth along with boxes upon boxes of stirrups and home décor to Ft Worth. I even had products in every crook and cranny of hubby Ronnie Nettles’ horse trailer!
Robby, Ryan and Joseph were really lifesavers since Ronnie had his own agenda, settling his futurity entry into its Ft Worth home. Most horsey folks know that drill – hauling in hay, feed, buckets, tack and all the paraphernalia that goes along with hauling a horse. Thank goodness he came over periodically and shared his expertise on stabilizing those long walls, etc., (Why didn’t we think of those things?)
But back to our great employees…these guys hung around for two days helping to set up our 40-foot booth and un-pack all those boxes, all the time joking and having a good time. Me? Well, I was a little more uptight!
The Amon Carter Exhibit Hall officially opens Saturday, Nov 21 from 9:30-6:00. Looking forward to seeing you!