The year was 1982. That’s the year Smart Little Lena won the Futurity, “E.T.” was the movie to watch and in cutting circles, if you wanted a laugh, “Cuttin’ Capers” was the book to read.
The introduction to that little 142-page book states,
It all started quite innocently. One person and then another would entertain a group of us at horse shows with hysterical tales of days gone by. We held our sides, wiped tears from our eyes and thoroughly enjoyed laughing at those antics, some innocent and some mischievously planned. We forgot about the electricity bill that needed paying, the installment notes coming due and the rising cost of living. Instead, we laughed.
Then someone would adamantly say, “These stories need to be recorded!” Time and again similar statements were made and that year, the same year “E.T.” kept the movie houses full and Smart Little Lena filled the coliseum, the little paperback book called “Cuttin’ Capers” was born.
What fun it was to write! Needless to day, it didn’t take long before they were sold out.
History, though is a keeper, and even now, almost 20 years later I receive requests for “Cuttin’ Capers”. They remember the story about Don Neuenschwander’s first cutting where he showed up in a short sleeve shirt because Jim Reno forgot to tell him to wear a long one. Don had to buy the closest long sleeve shirt to his size at Berkman’s Corner Grocery but that only gave him ¾ length sleeves. That only started a fiasco that ended when the announcer ask Don to just pleeeeeease ride out!
Then there was the story about Standley Bush who entered a competition other than cutting at the San Antonio Stock show. Barefooted cowboys competed to see who could hold a damsel in his arms the longest while standing on a block of ice. Course the damsels Jimmy saw were gorgeous and skimpily clad so he staked a lot of money on winning – as did his friends. He didn’t draw one of those, though; he drew a fat little gal who was too short to see with the beauties standing in front of her! Of course, with all those cowboys who had staked money on Jimmy winning standing in front of him…well.
Or how about when Buster Welch chased Bill Freeman with the buffalo head? Or when Bobby Nelson locked a cutter in the horse trailer, and the owner unknown to the cargo in his trailer drove off before anyone could stop him?
The book is full of one hilarious story after another from an era that promoted good times and laughter.
Want a copy? Yep, Cuttin’ Capers is about to be reborn! Pre-order online today at www.nettlescountry.com in the book section for $12.95 and we’ll ship your copy to you fresh off the press.